The Ins and Outs of Cock Fighting: A Comprehensive Review

Jilievo Cock Fighting

Cock fighting is a practice where two roosters engage in a battle, often until one is declared the winner. This activity has deep historical roots and is found in various cultures worldwide. In this comprehensive review, we’ll explore the different aspects, including its origins, the rules involved, and the controversies surrounding it. By reviewing the ins and outs of this practice, we aim to provide a clear understanding of the cultural, ethical, and legal dimensions associated with it.

What is Cock Fighting?

Online cock fighting is a game where people can bet on digital roosters competing against each other. In the past, it involved real roosters fighting until one of them died, which was considered cruel to animals. Nowadays, there are online events for cock fighting created by gaming developers worldwide.

What is Cock Fighting

Traditional cock fighting used aggressive roosters that were bred and trained for fighting and betting. Over time, aggressive roosters became less common as domesticated chickens were preferred. Some people still breed roosters for cock fighting in places where it’s against the law. Typically, only male birds are used for cock fighting.

In the 21st century, many states and countries have made cock fighting illegal. Louisiana and Texas were among the last U.S. states to outlaw it. However, in some places like Guam, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, and certain territories, cock fighting is still legal. In Bali, it was practiced as a sacred ritual.

In countries like India and the Philippines, roosters used in cock fighting are equipped with long spurs or metal talons to cause serious harm to opponents. Although cock fighting is banned in these countries, its status varies depending on local laws. For example, in parts of Karnataka, Andhra, and Tamil Nadu, cock fighting is still practiced. Tamil Nadu also has bullfighting, known as Jallikattu.

Legal cock fighting exists in some countries, including Madagascar, Pakistan, the Philippines, the Dominican Republic, and a few others. However, the sport faced challenges due to animal rights, gambling laws, and country regulations. Today, people can bet on online cock fighting from their mobile or desktop, anytime and anywhere with an internet connection.

Online Cock Fight Betting in the Philippines

Online cock fighting is becoming very popular in the Philippines. People love this sport, and it’s a big part of the country’s traditions. Even with the coronavirus, Filipinos are still enjoying cock fighting and making money from winning bets. The online version of cock fighting, called “sabong,” is gaining popularity quickly because almost anyone can join and gamble.

Online Cock fight Betting in the Philippines

Because of the coronavirus, the government told cock fighting arenas to stop, but now derbies are happening on private farms and shown online. They use laptops and cameras to live stream the fights between two roosters.

Those hosting online cock fights need to make sure the video is good, and the streaming works well to avoid problems. It’s crucial for people betting and watching to see the fight clearly and know who’s winning.

The hosts of online cock fights make money by selling the rights to websites where people can place bets. Some websites even hire attractive women to help customers, which attracts more male users. These women instruct potential bettors on how to watch and join the sabong matches.

One website where you can bet on and watch online cock fights is DS88.

Live Streaming Online Cock Fight Betting

People make roosters fight each other in special places called cock fight arenas. These roosters are trained for this, and it’s a violent battle. Many people come to watch and bet on their favorite roosters, especially during big events.

Live Streaming Online Cock fight Betting.

Because of the coronavirus, these events are stopped for now. Most countries are following rules to stop the virus from spreading.

But, the people who like cock fighting found a new way. They now show the fights online. This sport is illegal in some places but is still very popular in many countries. People who like cock fighting can now watch and bet on matches using their phones.

There are different websites where you can watch legal and regulated cock fighting. It’s important to check if the website is legal before placing bets.

Some websites don’t allow showing violence, like roosters fighting to the death. They do this to protect viewers. But, even though some websites get taken down, new ones quickly come up because many people want to watch and bet on cock fights.

Features Of Online Cock Fighting

Features Of Online Cock fighting

Online cock fighting has some important features that make it different and interesting. Let’s talk about them using simple words:

Many Bets

  • In online cock fighting, you can bet on more than one thing at the same time.
  • Before, in regular games, you could only bet on one thing because of the number of rings and roosters.
  • Now, with online Betting, you can bet anytime and anywhere. You have lots of freedom to make any bet you want.

Choosing the Best Rooster

  • Just like in real cock fights, you need to pick the best rooster to bet on.
  • You want a rooster with the best traits to win.
  • The game rewards you for picking the rooster with good features. It’s a mix of luck and some skill.

Saving Time and Money

  • You can bet on more than one game at the same time.
  • For example, if you have 2 or 3 free hours daily, you can make many bets during that time.
  • In traditional cock fighting, you could only bet on 3 to 5 games in the same amount of time.

Getting Paid after Winning

Jilievo - Getting Paid after Winning

Betting on rooster fights online lets you quickly and safely take out your winnings. The websites use electronic wallets for easy and trouble-free money transfers. When you’re withdrawing, it’s important to know:

  • How much money is in each match?
  • The amount you bet.
  • The bets from the owners.
  • Bets from the viewers.
  • The match schedule.


Historically, cock fighting has been seen as a form of entertainment and gambling. Some participants are drawn to the competitive aspect and the potential for financial gain.

Yes, there are significant ethical concerns and legal repercussions associated with cock fighting. Additionally, the welfare of the animals involved is 

The legality of Cockfighting varies by country and region. In many places, it is considered illegal due to animal cruelty concerns.

Roosters are often trained and conditioned for fights through rigorous methods, including special diets, exercise routines, and sometimes even supplements.

Various styles exist, including long-knife, short-knife, and naked heel fighting. Each style has its own rules and traditions.


In conclusion, Cockfighting is a controversial practice that involves two roosters battling each other, often resulting in harm or death for the birds. After reviewing the ins and outs of this activity, it’s clear that it raises ethical concerns and is banned in many places due to animal welfare considerations. While some may find it intriguing, it’s crucial to prioritize the well-being of animals. On a different note, if you’re seeking entertainment, Jilievo Casino offers a range of games that don’t involve harm to animals. Explore the exciting world of online gaming responsibly and ethically, leaving behind the contentious aspects of activities like Cockfighting.